This project we fondly refer to as the “Kitchen-Sink-Job” – it had everything in it including fullscreen interactive video, marker-based Augmented Reality, face-tracking interactive AR, CG hands, CG TVs, tons of motion graphics, a pretty girl that pops out of a pack of gum AND hot young things sucking face!

Agency: The Hive, Producer: Stas Zlobinski, Copywriter: Klint Davies, Art Director: Brad Van Schaik

VFX Designer: Matt Borrett

Web Dev & Design: Teehan+Lax, Producer: Dave Stubbs, Front-End: Duncan Porter, Flash Dev: Peter Nitsch


Augmented Reality Dev: Aesthetec, Ann Poochareon & Marc Argo


Film Production: SPY Films, Producer: Carlo Trulli, Director: Nick Goso

WP-Backgrounds Lite by InoPlugs Web Design and Juwelier Schönmann 1010 Wien